Weight Loss Battle Creek MI Missy McCullough

Missy Malone

Hi! My name is Missy, and I started the company My Pure Health Solutions over 10 years ago. I am a 1991 graduate from Taylor University, with a BA in Communications. I have 2 beautiful adult grown children… Jake and Macy, truly the best “job” I ever had.

When my kids were 3 & 4 years old, we moved our family to Iowa, for my husband to become a Chiropractor. We had been given devastating news that our 4-year-old son, would be dependent on us for the rest of his life. The Doctors called it a “Pervasive Developmental Disorder”. We would later be told in 1997 that he was Autistic. As my husband was in Chiropractic school, we both started to see our bodies in a whole new light. We now understood that it was more than probable that Jake had been “vaccine damaged”.
I have an AMAZING testimony!!! My son made a FULL recovery and has been living in Sydney, Australia for the last 11 years. He’s married, has a full-time job working with CEOs, created his dream band, is on Spotify, and recently became a father. Watching him get married, in the Blue Mountains of Australia, I could only marvel at what God had done. Here is this little boy, that the Doctors said wouldn’t amount to much… except to maybe push a broom, be dependent on us for the rest of his life….getting married to the woman of his dreams!

Once my spouse and I came back to Michigan, we opened our very own Chiropractic office. For the next 22 years, I would be surrounded by some of the smartest cutting-edge Doctors who believed in Natural Cures. I am a person that thirsts for answers. I believe in God, and I know that He has given us so many things to help us…only if we have eyes to see.

During those years, I helped my husband build one of the biggest chiropractic offices in the State of Michigan. Although I can’t adjust…I can keep up with the best of “Chiros” out there when it comes to explaining the POWER of what and HOW the Central Nervous System works. I’ve witnessed hundreds of people avoid surgeries, as well as get off of medications, thanks to Chiropractic.


My mother was diagnosed with cancer in 2012. That would then start my quest for trying to find a cure for her. She had one foot in the medical model, and one foot over on “my side”, that being Natural remedies. She tried the medical model for a couple of years, then During our Quest for answers, we would discover the amazing world of Frequencies, thanks to a man named Dr. Kevin Connors. You see, there was a man named Dr.Royal Rife, who had found a cure for cancer, using frequencies. ( back in the 1930s)

At my mom’s appointment where she was to get set up with her own Rife Frequency machine, I looked around the Doctor's office and could tell that he takes care of really sick people. As I listened to him explain how using a scan, he could determine which frequencies in her body needed to be balanced.

Can this Rife Machine help ME??

It was then, that I asked him if he had time to see me. For 4 years, (age 40-44) I had suffered from what seemed like countless issues. I was getting adjusted, and eating healthy, but still had odd things going on with me. I was exhausted all the time, I would ache…the joint pain and stiffness would move around my body. Every day I woke up, I had no idea what the day would bring. Dr. Kevin Connors was the man that changed my life. He told me what no other Doctor could…I had Lymes Disease. I ended up getting scanned and flew home with my new rife machine. It changed my life, and I no longer suffer like I did all those years ago.

Little did I know that the appointment I went to with my mom to help her cancer go away, would give me the answers I had desperately wanted, and my health restored…This was the Key! It opened my mind to a whole new concept of the POWER of Frequencies.

My favorite quote when working with clients

As I said, I have always “craved” knowledge…but I needed to understand these discoveries the best I could. At least in layman’s terms. That is why I speak using analogies or pictures, to get people to grasp complex things.


Is it any wonder….that as I struggled to lose the weight that I gained when I turned 40…Like all of our clients, I couldn’t find the answer to my problem….and it left me BEYOND frustrated!

10 years ago, I was introduced to this little device called a Zyto
Hand cradle. The rest is history! For 2 years I had tried everything I could think of to do naturally to lose weight…with ZERO success….and then I found Zyto and it’s ability to to observe frequencies inside the body that was disrupting my metabolism!

God had now brought me full circle in a way. As I used a Rife machine to help keep my auto-immune at bay, I would now be using frequencies to discover what is out of balance inside of my body…(Endocrine, Gastrointestinal, Immune, and Detoxification systems) Where else can you get a COMPREHENSIVE look into your body? Nowhere.

I had such incredible success in 30 days, that my family wanted to try it, then we started offering this to our chiropractic clients…and here we are today.
I am grateful that God brought me to where I am, so I can now help others find the answers they have been looking for.

Our Office Verse:

The Verse I have used from the beginning when I started this company was Isaiah 61…..”Setting Captives Free”
We meet you right where you are at, we empathize with you, and we seriously get goosebumps, cry with our clients, and cheer our clients on….they become family to us, during the days & weeks we work with them. No one has the same story. You are Unique, and we pray that God sends us the people who are looking for answers….because your body has SO much to tell you!

When I am not working, you will find me researching…lol. My daughter lives a few minutes away from me, she has given me a beautiful granddaughter. Her name is Jazzy. She is my little best friend. So, if I am not researching, or binge-watching a good show, you will find me coloring, or exploring with her!

Weight Loss Battle Creek MI Missy McCullough

Weight Loss Battle Creek MI Charity Johnson
Health Coach

Charity Johnson

My name is Charity Johnson and I absolutely love being a Health Coach!! Walking along side our clients to hit amazing goals on their journey of weight loss and wellness is wonderful, but seeing them months / years later still maintaining is truly PRICELESS!!

I found MyPure Health over 3 years ago when I was hopeless and extremely frustrated with trying to lose weight and keep it off! I had spent $1,000s of dollars on programs that sounded promising and some that even helped me lose weight quickly but when eating food (even making clean choices, using meal plans and counting calories) I would just slowly gain the weight back over time!! I felt miserable and like a failure!

I remember the moment when my MyPure Health Coach looked me in the eye and stated, “You know this isnʼt your fault, right? You did the best you could.” They were right!! My body was working against me and until I got to the root of my issues and corrected it, I would continue to yo-yo with no complete success! Iʼve lost 70 lbs and have 70 lbs left to lose! Come lose with me!

Weight Loss Battle Creek MI Marie Hartman
Health Coach

Marie T. Hartman

Iʼve lived a life of poor self body image which lead to an obsession with weight loss and trying to be thin. Thin, not healthy! It was an addiction of sorts and that combined with poor eating habits lead to binge eating and weight gain.

In 2013 I began my weight loss journey. I lost 27 pounds through MyPure Health Solutions and learned a lot about health and wellness and just being comfortable in my own skin. I have benefited immensely by having someone walk with me down this path, and it was an easy decision to become a health coach.

Previously, I spent six years as a substance abuse counselor, ten years total in that industry, and have 20 years of personal experience in recovery (my own eating addiction). I am passionate about helping people reach their health and fitness goals. My desire is to provide encouragement and education during the emotional journey of weight loss.


8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

By Special Appointment Only

8:00am - 6:00pm

By Special Appointment Only

Saturday & Sunday

My Pure Health Solutions

2245 W Columbia Ave Suite 115
Battle Creek, MI 49015

(269) 964-4044